BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES! When Walls Talk ... and they do! .. inclusive, revealing and raw. Ultimate #destinationmuraltown digital road trip! A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall. Climb Loughery’s digital scaffolding Hear the ART and see the stories! AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Why Artist Run Centres Matter with Guest Artist Judith Jurica E026
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
In this episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio, Loughery and Gallery Vertigo Gallery Visionary and Artist Judith Jurica, talk about art and the importance of arts non-profits. The incredible art of Jurica is as multi-layered as the art champion is herself. An open and honest conversation about the work and the exhaustive investment to keep artist run and non-profit art organizations afloat. The importance of the non-profit infrastructure is reflected on in the conversation, and how the fabric of our communities is imbedded deeply in a creative economy that is sometimes unseen and unrecognised.
photo courtesy of Judith Jurica
Follow the links to learn more about Artist Judith Jurica and her stunning art works …
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/judithjurica/
Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/judith.jurica
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Unexpected Similarities of Art with Guest Artist Angela Hansen E025
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
The digital scaffolding reveals an environmental kinship of the power of art to evoke change. Artist Angela Hansen is well known for her evocative encaustic work. The work she produces is thoughtful, and invites the viewer to engage with the intricacies of the wax medium and forms she creates. Hansen has a passion of all things in nature, and her work is a storybook event of education, beauty and viewer participation.
Loughery and Hansen discover their childhood wax fascination has similar beginnings, and the two artists embrace the connection that the love of creating and teaching brings to both of their practices. Make a tea and smell the aroma of beeswax, and imagine a studio conversation where the honey bees are welcome.
photo courtesy of Angela Hansen
Follow the links and learn more about Artist Angela Hansen and her other world-like works in encaustic and natural materials.
website: http://www.angelahansenart.com/new-work.html
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelahansenart/
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Talking to the Sunflowers with Artist Michelle Loughery E024
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Talking to the Sunflowers is an episode about the power of collaboration. The element of wonder and surprise at the collective talents of one’s peers, and the light that art can share on the renewal and the true meaning of community. We are all seeds and sunflowers, living a creative life along the generational lifepath of creation. When that collides into a collaborative exhibit … it is magic; and the SEED by SEED group of highly regarded artists have created an incredible showcase of sunflower light. HEAR the ART and SEE the RADIO on AR:T ROUTE Radio.
To learn more, follow the links to The Wayfinder Sunflower Project and the incredible showcase of sunflower light https://www.thesunflowerproject.ca at Gallery Vertigo https://www.galleryvertigo.com
Follow the links to learn more about this episode of Talking to the Sunflowers guest artists ...
Artist Jo Petty https://www.jopetty.com
Artist Jennifer Greenwood https://www.instagram.com/jgreenwood_breezewellness/
Artist Sheila Tansey https://www.instagram.com/sheilatansey/
Artist Charley Hampton https://www.instagram.com/charleyhamptonart/
Artist Patricia Doyle https://www.instagram.com/bellavistaglass/
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
The Vernon Mural Project - The City of Vernon Mural E023
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
The Walls revealed series on AR:T ROUTE Radio.
Loughery has spent decades on walls around the world. The murals themselves are thematic legends, but Loughery believes the act and event each mural created, is the true story and art behind the murals.
This series of stories will be told by Loughery as she reminisces about the communities, and the people that stopped by the walls to say hello, drop off a coffee, and tell her their story. Each paint stroke reveals a memory, or a special person who left their mark on the enormous works of freehand art. As the series continues, more heartfelt and pervasive stories will be revealed. A light will be shed on the community work that was the engine to the Wayfinder Youth program, and the social art project that helped create hundreds of artists, wayfinders, timekeepers, mentors and leaders around the globe.

“Mural art enhances the quality of life of a community by helping to define, and formulate responses to social, economic, cultural and social issues faced by a community. In its broadest definition, Public Art inspires community understanding, pride and creativity, and benefits the health and development of individual community life in a connected community culture. Community Art is the thread that ties a community together. ” - Master Artist & Visionary Michelle Loughery.
Michelle Loughery is an internationally respected thought leader, Artist, Project Manager and art educator. Loughery has worked in the field of community public art for 30 years and has created hundreds of large-scale fine art murals and projects. Follow the links to learn more about Artist and Visionary Michelle Loughery and Loughery's signature, award-winning The Wayfinder Project.
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Being All the Way Me with Guest Artist Raven Zeller E022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Join Loughery as she invites Artist Raven Zeller to climb up the digital wall on this episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio. Artists are sometimes portrayed as creative creatures that create in solitude, and are not known to be social explorers. Loughery and Zeller have yet to meet, other than to see each other’s work from a viewer’s perspective. Inspirational connections and conversation are sparked on the first hello as the colours, and connections that are ancient, fly around the podcast studio.
photo courtesy of Raven Zeller
Follow the links and learn more about Artist Raven Zeller and her incredible, intuitive artworks.
Website https://ravenzeller.com
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ravenzeller/
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
It’s Time for the Music to Play with Guest Artist Melina Schein (Moore) E021
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
On this episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio, sit on the scaffolding in the virtual Big Apple with Michelle and the one and only voice of Melina Schein (Moore). With the power of her operatic voice, Melina, in a courageous act, has challenged what all artist are facing during the pandemic, making a living … and doing it deliciously!
Follow the links and learn more about Melina Schein (Moore) and her The Saucy Soprano podcast and amazing work with Big Apple Productions!
Website: The Saucy Soprano https://thesaucysoprano.com
Website: Big Apple Productions http://www.melinaschein.com/category/show/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bigappleproductions/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bigappleproductionsvernon
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Simon Sees with Guest Artist Simon Ratcliffe E020
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Spend time on the digital scaffolding of Muralist Loughery with guest artist Simon Ratcliffe of Simon Sees Photography and cohost of Choons of Glory Podcast. How they met and the creative lens of life they both look and experience their lives through. The creative kaleidoscope vision of artists, on this episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio.
The heart of the art is in the connections made on the digital scaffolding. Like the walls Loughery created, there was always a platform of support.
Photo courtesy of Simon Ratcliffe
logo creation credit @punk_duck_warlord
Follow the links and learn more about Simon Ratcliffe, take a moment to look through the lens of Simon Sees and take a listen to Choons of Glory Podcast by Liam Greenlaw & Simon Ratcliffe "Kreate - Live - Flourish - Simon and Liam explore a magical approach to kreativity." www.choonsofglory.buzzsprout.com
Website: www.simonsees.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/simonsees.vancouver/
Blog: www.simonsees.com/blog-2/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/simonsees/
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
Host Master Muralist Michelle Loughery
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
The Sunflower Project @thesunflowerproject.ca
Master Artist Michelle Loughery - Host AR:T ROUTE Radio. Linkedin | Instagram |
Instagram | Facebook |
Join our communities on Instagram and Facebook!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
![]() |
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Community as a Sunflower with Guest Artist Brigitte Red E019
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Take a listen on this episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio as Internationally renowned Master Muralist and Artist Michelle Loughery gives us a glimpse of the roots and meaning of Loughery’s award winning Wayfinder Sunflower AR:T Project.
A conversation with the sunflowers. After a year of planting virtual sunflower seeds and working with a group of talented artists and community builders, Loughery and Brigitte Red talk about the importance of the work it takes behind the scenes of non- profit in community. Community building through art in action.
The Wayfinder Sunflower Project at Gallery Vertigo
The Seed by Seed Art Show
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
Host Master Muralist Michelle Loughery
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
The Sunflower Project @thesunflowerproject.ca
Master Artist Michelle Loughery - Host AR:T ROUTE Radio. Linkedin | Instagram |
Instagram | Facebook |
Join our communities on Instagram and Facebook!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
![]() |
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Soul with Guest Artist Sareena Sharma Nickoli E018
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
The passion of life’s work well done is deeply entwined with the soul work of entrepreneur and Soul Studio visionary Sareena Sharma Nickoli. To love with passion what one does and to connect people is the true soul of the work and tribe of this dance warrior! Take a listen as Michelle and Sareena #takeittothewall on this episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio.
Follow the links and learn more about Sareena Sharma Nickoli and her Soul Studio - a vibrant space where people come together to move, connect and belong. Soul Studio is now accessible anywhere in the world through virtual fitness.
Website: soulstudio.ca
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sareena-sharma-nickoli-b0712214/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulstudioca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulstudioca/?ref=page_internal
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZumbawithSareena
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Transformational Power of ART with Guest Artist Destanne Norris E017
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Community work is all about connection and conversations that unite people. Connections that are made are spontaneous and reveal similarities in passion work that supports the lives we lead. Life is a river and we all paddle those currents in different and similar ways. Loughery and Norris discover deep loss and great joy while enjoying the sun on the digital scaffolding of AR:T ROUTE RADIO.
photo courtesy of Destanne Norris
Follow the links to learn more about Artist and Writer Destanne Norris. Leah’s Gift: A Story about Reframing Loss www.leahsgift.com
Artist Website: www.destannenorris.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/destannenorrisart/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DestanneNorris/
The Wayfinder Sunflower Project at Gallery Vertigo
Seed by Seed Art Show
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
The Languages that Art Speaks with Guest Artist David Lloyd Wilson E016
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
On this episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio #ARTTALKS, Michelle and David connect on the languages that art speaks. David Wilson is a member of the Okanagan Nation and the winner of the BC Achievement Awards in Aboriginal Art for 2012. Wilson’s work speaks of translation and the origins of the Okanagan. The work portrays movement and identity brilliantly created in paint. Speaking of the importance of art to keep us all creative and young is an important message in his words and his contemporary yet ancient icon art.
photo courtesy of David Wilson
“The creativity that we were blessed with as kids stays with us, we just have to remember when we were kids, and stay young.“ - David Lloyd Wilson
Follow the links to learn more about David Lloyd Wilson (David Wilson Sookinakin) and his incredible artworks.
Artist Site: https://www.facebook.com/DavidWilsonSookinakin
BC Achievement Fulmer Award First Nations Art 2012 Recipient
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2022 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Brushstrokes of Community with Guest Artist Val Trevis E015
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Michelle and her guest Artist/Writer Val Trevis talk volunteering, community and living artful lives. An inspiring conversation of women who have worked in the same community for years, and both look at community as an opportunity to create legacies and the importance of art in life’s healing journeys.
An authentic look at life and death in the painting of words in healing acts of life through art and writing. Val speaks on the dedication she has to writing for her mother who sacrificed her own writing for motherhood.
photos courtesy Val Trevis
Follow the links to learn more about Val Trevis, and take some time to connect with Val’s blog PIDG https://www.pidgethoughts.com and 'HOW IT CAME TO BE ...'
Val Trevis - Greater Vernon 2022 BC Winter Games https://www.bcgames.org/News/Latest-News/News-Releases/ArtMID/1939/ArticleID/1922/President-and-Vice-President-Announced-for-Greater-Vernon-2022-BC-Winter-Games
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/val-trevis-me-wqt-24612511/
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Wayfinder Sunflower Project and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2021 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Queen of the Canadian Highways Guest Lorrie Fleming E014
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
As Michelle and Lorrie discuss their passion for highway culture and the knowledge that our roots are steeped by the ones who have passed before us. Pour a cup of tea and see the road, hear the art on this episode of AR:T Route Radio.
Lorrie states, "the world is brilliantly coloured by Michelle's motivation and her believing in me and the power of purpose of a multi-generational society that's strengthened by the foundation of which only our elders can convey.
Here's to Art Route Blue weaved into a multi-coloured security blanket keeping us warm & thriving in a circle of hope … as we rebuild our routes with roots.
Lorrie Fleming - “My realization that 'age is a gift to humanity'! I turned 70 in May and this milestone hangs heavily on my personal feeling of self-worth. But then I saw the gift. The wisdom that our elders carry to society is priceless.
photo courtesy of Michelle Loughery
Learn more about Lorrie Fleming, founder of the Canadian Route 66 Association ...
AR:T Wayfinder - Route 66/99 Highway Travel Journeys
BC Achievement Foundation Recipient
Learn more about Master Muralist Michelle Loughery and her Route 66 Mural City, Cuba MO mural project. https://cubamomurals.com/2010/05/mural-artist-update-for-canadian-artist-michelle-loughery/
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2021 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Turning the Lens with Guest Artist aj Jaeger E013
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Artists as patrons and wise women wayfinders.
Michelle and aj Jaeger discuss the hidden lens of community work on this revealing and honest episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio. The space between the arts and community infrastructure systems is historically difficult to be made visible in civic budgets. A discussion how community art education is needed to reveal the value of the social economics of community art civic infrastructure work. The two successful artists touch how artists need to have a multitude of skills in the their art tool belts.
Artist aj Jaeger ... as a sculptor and painter, I am inspired by rich colours and distinctive textures that tell a meaningful story. I am a passionate advocate in the local art community, teaching mixed media, working with collage in inventive, creative ways in my workshops, and designing successful art exhibitions.
Photo credit Jessica Balfour
Follow the links to learn more about Artist aj Jaeger and her artworks.
website https://www.angelikajaeger.com
facebook https://www.facebook.com/aj.jaeger.1
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2021 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Nov 08, 2021
Taking it to the Wall with Guest Artist Kerri Parnell E012
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Life doesn’t define you by what happens to you - you’re defined by how you choose to deal with what happens to you. This episode of AR:T ROUTE Radio is one that strikes not only an artistic cord, but also a cultural cord with my family roots. Art is a powerful tool to disrupt and to educate on extremely important social issues. Time is stopped when you listen to Kerri and her art is a window to a time that sits on both sides of the window you look through when experiencing her art - Artist Michelle Loughery.
Artist Kerri Pernell ... Her passion is to collaborate with others on projects that promote social awareness and change. Her results are both thought provoking and aesthetically beautiful. Nowhere is this more evident than Pause in Plight.
photo credit @buioassis Julio Assis
Learn more about Artist Kerri Parnell
and her Pause in Plight Exhibition.
Website https://www.kerriparnell.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kerriparnell.art
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kerriparnell.art/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuwaLsOCQSY
Join Master Artist MICHELLE LOUGHERY and guests as they “TAKE IT TO THE WALL” through conversations about art as placemaking, social change, and so much more.
AR:T ROUTE Radio ... be connected - follow Artist Michelle Loughery Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio Instagram | AR:T ROUTE Radio The Creative Wayfinding Network | Take it to the Wall Blog | AR:T Route Radio Facebook
Go see the The Sunflower Project's Year of the Sunflower and see how you can get involved - link
Subscribe and follow, and donate to the podcast!
Donate and support Wayfinder Projects and art stories on AR:T Route Radio - link
AR:T ROUTE Radio is an emerging canvas of immersive AR:T experience spots, art installations, mapped destination digital murals towns, with highlights of the hidden stories of Loughery’s and other artist’s work and the inspiring people you meet when painting on the streets. Conversations about community art, social change, and so much more.
A 30-year mural pioneer, Master Artist Michelle Loughery has created numerous award winning mural projects, raised millions for communities through her innovative Wayfinder art program. Loughery is bringing stories of the power of community art to the digital wall.
See the radio and hear the street art! BIG ART, BIG WALLS, BIG STORIES!
@artistmichelleloughery @artrouteradio
@artrouteblue @thesunflowerproject.ca
AR:T ROUTE Blue music by Tanya Lipscomb.
"We acknowledge that we work and gather in the northern part of the unceded Okanagan First Nation territory and that many descendants of the Suqnaquinx still live here.”
© 2021 Michelle Loughery Productions. All Rights Reserved.